mardi 21 août 2012

rheumatoid arthritis

Online business used the internet to buy and sell stocks, bonds and mutual funds. If there is online buy and sell for stocks, there is also online gold trading. Gold buy and sell has gain popularity in the multilevel market today. The buy and sell of gold was found to be stronger than currency and stock business. Gold has been considered as a precious metal. Thus, the strong price and value remains the same and its stability against fluctuation is stronger. Many people need to invest big money for this kind of trade since gold is of high value. However, it can really ensure regular income.
There are many benefits you can get in gold business. With the increasing demand and the lower supply, the value of gold will surely increase. It is very important that you know how gold business really works especially if you are doing it online. You have to understand that how much gold you can trade really depends on your money that is available in the business account and the leverage and margins of a certain firm. Leverage allows the new traders to participate in the market even if they only have little money on their account. Leverage increases the traders buying and selling power. However, as you increase leverage you will also increase the risks that you have to take in every action you make. It is either you gain a lot or you loss everything you have.
Online buy and sell has been used in stock deals, commodities and currencies because of the different advantages it can give to the traders. It is considered as the simplest way to make money through the help of internet. In online business, you need not to pay a full service broker commission fee. Thus, you can save a lot from your income. Another benefit of online deals is the availability of real time data such as charts and the trending of the business. You can even participate in the business 24 hours even if you are not there during the actual business. There is business software that can do the deal on your behalf if it is a perfect time to buy or to sell. There is also special software for gold business.
No matter what you deal, stocks, commodities, funds or gold, it is very important that you know how the business works. This is to ensure that your investment will never be wasted. It is also advisable to have your business education before joining this kind of market.

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rheumatoid arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis
Paper Money:
Paper money was a great shift from the real wealth money of gold and silver, which was adopted in the name of public convenience in their transaction; and people did find it easier to use paper money instead of carrying gold or silver coins with them. But now, it has become evident that the use of paper money involves such basic flaws in its system which cause play havoc with the world economy.Paper money is void of intrinsic value. It is the supposed value, which vary according to the circumstances. US dollar and now Euro became standard money, which determines the values of other currencies. This highhandedness of the superior currencies has provided the countries, which lend money to other courtiers in need of money, to exploit them at will. When a country borrows, it takes the loan at the rate of then value of its currency, but when it returns or pays off interest on it, it has to pay it in accord with the current depreciated value of its currency. In this way the countries in debt have to pay many times more than the amount they borrow due to the devaluation of their own currency; and the lender countries swell up their wealth at the cost of depreciation of currencies of the poor countries. The indebted countries have to print currency notes to meet the deficit. This causes further inflation, hence further poverty. This is but a legal plundering of wealth, which is intensifying more poverty than prosperity in the counties which have to borrow.
Electronic money: Now with the introduction of electronic money, more exploitation is going to take place. Electronic money like paper money is but a game of digital numbers, it has no intrinsic or real value. The powerful economies will again be at the position to manipulate the world economy according to their interest and the poor or underdeveloped economies will suffer more, as they are not the key players in this game of imaginary money.
Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham: The solution lies in the real wealth economy, which should have intrinsic or real value, which does not change with the changing circumstances. This money is gold and silver. The world is in great need to restore the forsaken system of gold dinar and silver dirham to get rid of the economic exploitation of the powerful economies and currencies. Malaysia pioneers this initiative as it did in many other areas of Islamic finance. It has started dealing in gold dinar and silver dirham, partially at initial stages.
A saying of the Holy Prophet goes:
Abu Bakr ibn Abi Maryam reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: "A time is certainly coming over mankind in which there will be nothing (left) that will be of use (or benefit) save a Dinar (i.e., a gold coin) and a Dirham (i.e., a silver coin)." (Musnad, Ahmad)
Some scholars understand from this saying of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) the need to restore the old monetary system of gold dinar and silver dirham as the only useful system of money, which seems to be the only way to avoid the exploitation of paper and electronic currency.
The Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE) brings senior executives and high potential leaders from all over the world for executive education to discover new dimensions in Leadership Development, Good Governance, Telecom Training, HR Performance and various other Leadership and Management practices to help them grow in their business careers. MILE is a CSR initiative of Savola Group's CSR Programs and grew to be a collaborative initiative aims to attract the contributions and support of many other companies, academic institutions, research & consulting organizations and professional groups.

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rheumatoid arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis
6 Major Reasons the Price of Gold Might Double Before the End of 2012.
1. The Election campaigns between President Obama and Mitt Romney are running very close together according to several major media reports. With a race this close it's a media frenzy with major ad campaigns and campaign finance money being poured into all forms of advertizing desperately trying to outdo one another's campaigns. Unemployment is still far away from acceptable levels. Ordinary Americans are spending less and having to constantly tighten up their belt sizes notch by notch. In the end, gold's value will progressively increase.
2. The Mayan 2012 end of the world prophecy keeps further panic among prophecy believers alive until the 13th of December when either the world ceases to exist or the prophecy is deemed another hoax. Either way it feeds itself into the rise of gold's market price. It is not unexpected to say that in everyone's mind the December 12th prophecy has at a minimum been playing just a little bit in everyone's conscious mind.
3. The value of the euro has declined with all the latest rounds of in decisions coming out of Europe trying to resolve their fiscal woes. Germany is still the strongest economy in the EU; the devaluation of the euro is drastically affecting their own economy. More and more people are waking up to the fact that gold is a good way to re-strengthen the euro. As the euro's value declines further, it becomes a threat to its own existence where a gold backed monetary system will most likely replace it. While this possibility is slim it is still a threat. The further that Europe goes backwards in its economic attempts to turn things around the greater the potential for gold's price to rise.
4. The German government consistently does better than the rest of the EU community economically. Many of the EU nations view Germany who has the largest deposits of gold bullion in the EU nation as their caped crusader who could come out to save the rest of the struggling nations by helping to strengthen their personal fiscal problems. In fact, Germany said they would play the role of savior to those countries that still have gold reserves left. The deal is for each country to use their remaining bullion reserves as collateral for partial backing of the latest rescue measure called the European Redemption Act.
5. The EU countries are increasingly becoming tapped both economically and financially. The more these countries beg for assistance the worse things become. As the level of this activity increases, gold again increases in value. In July the United States saw its unemployment numbers rise one tenth of one percent. Within moments of this news coming out gold went north $100.00 dollars.
6. Perhaps the most significant reason is that the value of gold will increase during the year as it progresses along. It will be the media outlets that amplify its progress, along the way. There are going to be many cynical investors making major market moves out due to miserable financial performances within the markets. Once this capital is out of the markets investors are going to choose to safeguard it in gold. Combining this action with what is going on in many eastern nations buying up gold as quickly as possible only cements the realization of gold's performance by year's end.
There is only a finite amount of this yellow metal available. Considering this, demand increases as the price increases when done inside a short span of time. The value will always reach the maximum price that investors are capable of paying. This investment movement is huge. The forecasts show significantly large amounts of demand for the yellow metal that are going to guarantee the yellow metals price will rise exponentially before the end of 2012. So strap yourself in and hang-on for one hell of a wild ride.
Tom Genot -
Informational news, books, articles and videos to invest in gold and silver and where the best places are to buy it. Also find informational resources to educate you on alternate forms of investing and preparedness, for protecting you, your family and your assets from the pending economic crises and destruction of the US dollar. Author Tom Genot provides information and resources helpful to everyone. Insure you're prepared, while time is still on your side. 

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The Top Five Reasons to Start Investing in Gold

Gold, today, is performing its traditional function.
Gold's price is trending upward as the currencies of the world are being devalued.
Gold, for thousands of years, has effectively preserved the wealth and prosperity of its owners.
Before going further on this topic, however, it's important to remember two facts:
First, gold is a commodity and one does not invest in commodities. One speculates on commodities. If you buy it and it's price goes higher, you gain. If it's price goes lower, you lose.
Second, no one knows what the price of gold is going to do. We can only evaluate the probabilities and make trading decisions based upon what we think is probable.
Here are the top five reasons why gold's price will probably go higher:
1. The US dollar is temporarily strong rendering gold's price temporarily weak. At the moment, the US dollar is enjoying the fact that fear grips investors worldwide. Presently, only the US dollar and the Euro have the capacity to serve as the global "reserve currency." With the financial crisis in Europe continuing, the US dollar looks pretty good and money managers all over the world are seeking refuge in U.S. Treasury bills and US dollars. This is temporary due to the fact that both the European Union nations as well as the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are working diligently to get their financial houses in order. As soon as the Euro and the currencies of the BRICS are healthier, the US dollar will decline drastically as global investors flee the dollar for the relatively greater safety elsewhere. The US dollar is presently strong because it is the nicest looking house in an ugly neighborhood. At some point in the future, perhaps the near future, the dollar will probably fall and gold's price will probably continue higher.
2. Government debt is out of control and growing. The US government debt is now well over $15 trillion and nearing $16 trillion. That includes only the balance sheet items! When you add in the unfunded entitlement programs, the total debts facing the United States government are nearer to $100 trillion. Few people, if anyone, will claim that our economy will ever be strong enough to pay off that debt. Only through continued currency devaluation and the ensuing inflationary spiral can we ever balance our budget. Again, because the dollar will probably fall in value, gold's price will probably continue higher.
3. Governments are "printing money" instead of controlling spending. As stated above, the US government debt is out of control and cannot be paid off by "growing the economy." Instead, the currency must be devalued. How is this done? It's done by "printing money." Today, however, this is not done with the traditional printing press. It is done with various Federal Reserve policies and actions. With euphemisms such as "quantitative easing," they cleverly disguised the fact that they are simply "printing more money." It is easy to see, by simply evaluating the government's own money-supply statistics, that they are increasing the money-supply and thereby devaluing the US dollar. Gold's price will probably continue to rise because the value of your dollars will probably fall.
4. Central banks are buying gold. It is easy to verify, through various sources, that the central banks of the world are stocking up on gold bullion. More than anyone else, the central banks recognize that currency devaluation is almost inevitable. Additionally, the global banking rules may soon change the asset status of gold on a bank's balance sheet. Presently, gold is classified as a "Tier 2" asset. That means when calculating its value on a bank's balance sheet, gold bullion can only be recorded at 50% of its value. There is talk and credible reports that gold will be reclassified as a "Tier 1" asset. This is planned not only for central banks, but for federal, state, and private banks as well. What this means is that banks can trade their deteriorating currencies for gold and this gold can be counted at 100% of its value on the books. This is huge. In addition to the current state of gold-buying by central banks, we may see every bank on the planet entering the market as buyers. If this happens, gold's price will probably rise drastically.
5. The supply of gold may be shrinking. Gold can be found all over the world. It is not, however, economically feasible to mine a gold deposit unless there are at least 1 million ounces of gold available. There are only 439 discovered gold deposits on Earth that are believed to contain more than 1 million ounces of gold. Only 189 of those deposits are being mined. The global production of gold is approximately 2500 metric tons per year. It is an almost constant supply that is unlikely to increase for two reasons. The large, major-deposit mining operations are being depleted, and the newer discoveries are deeper and more expensive to mine. The constant and possibly shrinking supply of gold contributes to the probability that gold's price will go higher.
Again, we are talking about probabilities. No one should liquidate their assets and pile into gold believing that they're going to get rich. That would be foolish.
It would be wise, however, to consider these five reasons why the price of gold will probably go higher. If you agree, buy some gold coins, small gold bars, and/or stocks that give you exposure to gold.
CAUTION: Events and market conditions that are presently unknown can cause gold prices to decline before moving higher. It is safer to accumulate gold in small amounts each month instead of making a single bulk purchase.

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The American Dollar and How it Effects the Price of Gold

The US economy affects directly and indirectly not only the economies of other countries but the prices of the various major commodities all over the world as well. The US dollar also determines the strength of the currencies of other countries. It is a standard unit for gauging or assessing the strength or weakness of all other currencies.
Before the American dollar started dictating and controlling the economies of the world, gold was considered to be the international currency. The prices of gold controlled the balancing mechanism of the market. It acted like a self correcting force that ensured smooth trading among the different countries. Back in 1971, with the end of Bretton Woods Agreement, Gold was declared to be an irredeemable currency; meaning thereby that dollar could not be defined or measured in gold, in the USA.
This escalated in the use of paper money or the American Dollar internationally as well. Almost all foreign banks held their core reserves in Dollars, and this is how they traded with the USA. When foreigners sell something to the USA, they get American dollars in exchange. This creates a deficit in the balance of payments, and the foreigners buy gold in exchange of dollars. This caused inflation in the USA and it also affected the currencies of other countries.
Consequently, gold and the American Dollar today, have an inversely proportional relationship with each other. When the American Dollar strengthens, the price of gold falls; and when the American Dollar weakens, gold price increases.
People naturally turn to buying gold whenever they fear that inflation will hit their lives. They lose confidence in paper money or the US dollar, and start investing in gold because they firmly believe that no matter what, gold will pay always them back in the long run unlike the weakening dollar.
Nonetheless, the American dollar is still seen as the safest currency by the central banks of all countries around the world. Though, the American dollar is one of the 'fiat currencies', and economists suggest that all fiat currencies are doomed to fail one day. This is because the governments cannot maintain the value of the currencies because of so many factors: high interest rates and inflation. All they can do is to print and pump more paper money, or electronic money into the banks and market, which in turn devalues the currency.
Gold and bullion are 'non-fiat' currencies, because they are present in their physical forms. Only so much gold or bullion would be available to the people, as is present in the physical market. This is the reason why their value increases with the growing demand for them as the safest investment. The American dollar has weakened because of its credit crunch and because other countries started resisting to invest in it because of its weakening trend.
Gold prices rose to a new high as the US economy started to collapse since 1995. Since then gold prices have shot up tremendously.
Learn how to buy gold by taking help of professionals and reduce risks of loss for investment.

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