mardi 21 août 2012

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6 Major Reasons the Price of Gold Might Double Before the End of 2012.
1. The Election campaigns between President Obama and Mitt Romney are running very close together according to several major media reports. With a race this close it's a media frenzy with major ad campaigns and campaign finance money being poured into all forms of advertizing desperately trying to outdo one another's campaigns. Unemployment is still far away from acceptable levels. Ordinary Americans are spending less and having to constantly tighten up their belt sizes notch by notch. In the end, gold's value will progressively increase.
2. The Mayan 2012 end of the world prophecy keeps further panic among prophecy believers alive until the 13th of December when either the world ceases to exist or the prophecy is deemed another hoax. Either way it feeds itself into the rise of gold's market price. It is not unexpected to say that in everyone's mind the December 12th prophecy has at a minimum been playing just a little bit in everyone's conscious mind.
3. The value of the euro has declined with all the latest rounds of in decisions coming out of Europe trying to resolve their fiscal woes. Germany is still the strongest economy in the EU; the devaluation of the euro is drastically affecting their own economy. More and more people are waking up to the fact that gold is a good way to re-strengthen the euro. As the euro's value declines further, it becomes a threat to its own existence where a gold backed monetary system will most likely replace it. While this possibility is slim it is still a threat. The further that Europe goes backwards in its economic attempts to turn things around the greater the potential for gold's price to rise.
4. The German government consistently does better than the rest of the EU community economically. Many of the EU nations view Germany who has the largest deposits of gold bullion in the EU nation as their caped crusader who could come out to save the rest of the struggling nations by helping to strengthen their personal fiscal problems. In fact, Germany said they would play the role of savior to those countries that still have gold reserves left. The deal is for each country to use their remaining bullion reserves as collateral for partial backing of the latest rescue measure called the European Redemption Act.
5. The EU countries are increasingly becoming tapped both economically and financially. The more these countries beg for assistance the worse things become. As the level of this activity increases, gold again increases in value. In July the United States saw its unemployment numbers rise one tenth of one percent. Within moments of this news coming out gold went north $100.00 dollars.
6. Perhaps the most significant reason is that the value of gold will increase during the year as it progresses along. It will be the media outlets that amplify its progress, along the way. There are going to be many cynical investors making major market moves out due to miserable financial performances within the markets. Once this capital is out of the markets investors are going to choose to safeguard it in gold. Combining this action with what is going on in many eastern nations buying up gold as quickly as possible only cements the realization of gold's performance by year's end.
There is only a finite amount of this yellow metal available. Considering this, demand increases as the price increases when done inside a short span of time. The value will always reach the maximum price that investors are capable of paying. This investment movement is huge. The forecasts show significantly large amounts of demand for the yellow metal that are going to guarantee the yellow metals price will rise exponentially before the end of 2012. So strap yourself in and hang-on for one hell of a wild ride.
Tom Genot -
Informational news, books, articles and videos to invest in gold and silver and where the best places are to buy it. Also find informational resources to educate you on alternate forms of investing and preparedness, for protecting you, your family and your assets from the pending economic crises and destruction of the US dollar. Author Tom Genot provides information and resources helpful to everyone. Insure you're prepared, while time is still on your side. 

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